美國高中求生指南 (American High School Survival Guide)
Transfering from a high school in Chiayi, Taiwan to another in Bethesda, Maryland, United States, I went through multiple journeys simultaneously in the areas of friend-making, emotions, work experience, college application, langugae learning, and much more. The book has won the privilage to be on the 44th iteration of Taiwan Ministry of Culture recommended booklist for high school to elementary schoolers and ranked top six in travels section on Taiwan’s most popular internet bookstore:
ISBN:9789869934534, published on Jan 1, 2021.
A note on the stabilizer formalism via noncommutative graphs
In this short note we formulate a stabilizer formalism in the language of noncommutative graphs. The classes of noncommutative graphs we consider are obtained via unitary representations of compact groups, and suitably chosen operators on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Furthermore, in this framework, we generalize previous results in this area for determining when such noncommutative graphs have anticliques.
Published in Quantum Information Processing:
Selected Talks Given
Quantum Information and Error Correction
Given on April 14th, 2023, at World Quantum Day, Department of Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
This event was hosted by the Illinois Quantum Information Science & Technology Center to celebrate World Quantum Day (dated April 14th to celebrate the first three digits of Planck's constant). For this one-hour-and-a-half poster presentation, members of my research group produced a poster to reflect our latest research results in quantum error correction. We expected a high level of understanding of quantum mechanics amongst the audience, who were mostly graduate students, professors, and professionals, so we elaborated on quantum non-commutative graphs and antcliques.
Introduction to Complex Systems
Given on March 31, 2023 at Undergraduate Friday Seminar at Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
In this one-hour lecture, I explained concepts of self-organized criticalities and how it appears in the underpinning mechanics of earthquakes, evolution, economics, and even traffic jams. I futher introduced selected journal articles on an epidimiological model of the 2005 French riot and and an agent-based model of the housing market, showing how a set of simple assumptions can lead to emergent phenomena.
Overview of Quantum Error Correction
Given on March 3, 2023 at Undergraduate Friday Seminar at Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
In this one-hour lecture, my teammates from Professor Roy Araiza's lab and I delievered an overview of quantum error corrections. My section focused on principles of quantum mechanics and their roles in quantum error correction. I introduced concepts of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, tensor product, density matrix, good bases, and Bloch sphere.
Featured Writing
Awarded Honorable Mention by the Celia Mathews Elliott Prize for Writing in Science and Engineering committee.